Friday, November 7, 2014

the last post!!

Hi class, I hope you are fine. Today I am going to talk about my experience learning English at the university.  
This is the last post in my career, and I am so happy for that, I don`t like English so much and always I think that the English class in the school was boring and a punishment, because the  form of that are always same, without  innovation and without things that motivate to the class.
In the University, I had English class since my first year of career, because I was really bad in this topic (and now I am just bad ahahaha).  And my experience, compared to the school, was so much better. The activities are more fun, with more innovation, this activity of blogs is entertaining and I could improve considerably my vocabulary and my grammar to the write and speak.
In general, during my four years in this university and in this career I had a good relation with my English teachers, and so this was important to my learning and my attitude in the class.
I think that the important thing in this moment is practice a lot my English, in different situations, with different persons, with the intention of improve my English. I think that the English is a tool very important to me, because I want to travel a lot in my future, and the English can be fundamental to the communication with persons of other cultures.
This was a great experience, nevertheless, I am happy of finalize, and I hope to finalize of the best way.