Friday, October 17, 2014


Hi class, I hope you are fine, today is a new Friday and I am happy for that.
In this opportunity I am going to talk about my hobbies.

Well, at present I don´t have many times for other activities, the university and my work take up all my time. But, in the rest of my time I like go to the parties, all weekends I go to the any party with my boyfriend or my friends, or both. And so, I can tell that “go to the parties” is a hobby to me.

Also, I like so much watch series, in the last years I watched a lot of series. I watch: 
How I meet your mother; 

orange is the new black

American Horror Story (that just now have a new season); 

Game of Thrones

Profugos (is a great Chilean series); 

Vikings (is a series based on real events, specifically in the life of the Viking called Lodbrok).

The series that I watch in at moment is Malcolm in the middle, that series is a classic! It is very funny. When I was a child I watched this series on TV, but I never can watched all season, and so I am watch all season just now.

Watch series is a great hobby to me!

Other Hobby that I have is read books; I love read a good book, my favorite kind of books is about adventures. The sagas of adventures are the best! The saga that I am reading in at moment is The Hunger Games; Just now I am read Sinsajo, the last book of the trilogy. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

How green are you?

Hi class, I hope you are fine. Today I’m going to talk about environment and my relation with it.
Well, I don`t have much green habits, and the only that I remember at the moment is my habit of taking out the trash always in a garbage, especially when I walk along the street.  
I don´t have other habits, but I think that the environment and the recycling are very important especially today in our world, for all things that everybody knows.
The last semester, in my class of English III, my teacher at that moment, shared a video with the class about ten tips to recycle, the video is nice, and so I like to share this video with you.
The link of the video is:  I hope you enjoy it.
The thing that is more important to me about this topic is the preservation of the environment to take care the habitat of the other species, I really think that the planet has its own process and its own history, but the humans are many times irresponsible their with own lives and the life of others species.
This topic about other species and the planet makes me remember a TV show called “COSMOS”, it is a TV show really good, I don´t like so much the science, but this series is entertaining and interactive. I think that this TV show is the bible of the science ahahahaha I Hope you can see this series at any moment.
This is the link of the trailer: enjoy it! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

What would my friday be without the english class in the afternoon??

Hi class, I hope you are fine.
Today I`m going to talk about my Fridays in the afternoon without English class.
Well is an interesting question, because I could do many things.
This semester is very powerful to me, I have a lot of class, and so, in a first moment I use my Friday’s days to rest and sleep all day hahahaha.
On the other hand, I take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way for go to the parties, and to see and share with my friends and my boyfriend.
Maybe, others Fridays I go to work to collect money (I work in a Home center Sodimac, like ‘empaque’).
Finally, I don´t have none other class the Fridays, so probably, very occasionally I could organize any little trip to the surroundings of Santiago, like: San José de Maipo, Valparaiso, and other places of the central coast (I love travel; I said that this activity is a vice to me).
The last idea that I can imagine is the idea of take a course of dance. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My professional future

Hi class, I hope you are fine, today I`m going to talk about my professional future.
I study Psychology; this is my fourth year, and the next year I hope to finish my career.  I don´t know if I want to carry on studying, but the only thing I will say about that (because is the only thing sure), is that I want to work in the public system of mental health, specifically in the Cosam of my neighborhood or nearby.
In this place I hope I can help out people with addictions problems. I hope to be a support for the families with this problems, help improve their family relations, renforce their bonds and this way improve their life quality and mental health.
I would like to work on the menta health of my community because I grew up in a place denominated as socially vulnerable I saw neighboors family and Friends fall in drug problems , and I could see the sufering that this brought on the families and how it deeply affects not only the mental health of the consumer. When someone is an adict and has a family the whole family is victim to the situation.
I am concious that the drug problem goes beyond the people themselves and that if the same dynamics the same context and the same inequality of oportunities in this families persists, it is very unlikely that they will leave consumption. Still I want to help to this situation with my profession.