Thursday, October 2, 2014

My professional future

Hi class, I hope you are fine, today I`m going to talk about my professional future.
I study Psychology; this is my fourth year, and the next year I hope to finish my career.  I don´t know if I want to carry on studying, but the only thing I will say about that (because is the only thing sure), is that I want to work in the public system of mental health, specifically in the Cosam of my neighborhood or nearby.
In this place I hope I can help out people with addictions problems. I hope to be a support for the families with this problems, help improve their family relations, renforce their bonds and this way improve their life quality and mental health.
I would like to work on the menta health of my community because I grew up in a place denominated as socially vulnerable I saw neighboors family and Friends fall in drug problems , and I could see the sufering that this brought on the families and how it deeply affects not only the mental health of the consumer. When someone is an adict and has a family the whole family is victim to the situation.
I am concious that the drug problem goes beyond the people themselves and that if the same dynamics the same context and the same inequality of oportunities in this families persists, it is very unlikely that they will leave consumption. Still I want to help to this situation with my profession.

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